
POMSU 2013 held Kopertis Region I North Sumatra-Aceh in cooperation with the Board of Trustees Student Sports Indonesia North Sumatra (BAPOMI). Implementation during the 3 days of the date of October 18 s / d October 20, 2013. POMSU opening 2013 in the area of building Kopertis-NAD Region I North Sumatra was opened by Mr. Kopertis Coordinator. Prof. Dr.. Dian Armanto, and attended by Chairman Dr. BAPOMI North Sumatra. Mhd Agussani, SE, MM.

This year POMSU 2013 only 3 sports that are contested silat, karate and chess. For silat implementation of the game in the multipurpose room AKBID Mitra Husada Medan. While in the House Sport Karate Stikes RS. Haji Medan. Chess in the building for the first Kopertis Sumatra-Aceh.

Development at the University of Panca Budi POMSU 2013 won 5 gold medals from the sport of martial arts, which consists of class A daughter of "Rini Purba" dariFakultas Law, class D daughter of "Goddess of Ruth" of the Faculty of Law, class E Son of "Dani Pradana "of the Faculty of Law, class G Son" Mhd. Saleh Irawan Lubis "from the Faculty of Law, and a single daughter" Lara Indan Kurnia "Faculty HukumUntuk sport karate UNPAB gained 1 -75 kg bronze class is" Ilhan Khalik B "of the Faculty of Economics.

Victory was achieved by the five sports Tiom mind can not be separated from the role of a coach is Zumidar Oktina (Silat), Ridwan Syahputra (Karate), as well as the role of a coach Interests UNPAB including Mr. Talent Students. Dwintoro, SH, MH.

Cpc. Dwintoro, SH, MH, notices to the winners POMSU 2013 "congratulations on your triumph has been achieved, continued training and gain the ability to win national and international levels, and to student interest UNPAB channeled his talent in the sport, do not forget to practice all the time so to POMSU better prepared for the next year following the match ".

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