Participants UNPAB in Scientific Essay Writing Training in Kopertis Region I
University of Pembangunan Panca Budi sent representatives, Risca Andyka for "Following Scientific Essay Writing Training" organized by Kopertis I Aceh and North Sumatra on 8 to 9 October 2013. A total of 50 student participants representatives of various private colleges in North Sumatra and filled by competent sources in their field such as: Prof.. DR. Dwi Suryanto presented "Data Systematics Writing and Grammar of Scientific Writing", Prof. DR. Badaruddin, M. Si, was presented "Sharpness Power Lifting Reason In Creative Ideas and Innovative", DR. M. Rajab Lubis, M. Si, was presented "Raising Process Writing Into Media" and Prof. DR. Alesyanti, M.Pd., MH that was presented "Scientific Writing Practice per group".
In this training opportunity, Coordinator Kopertis of North Sumatra, Prof. Dian Armanto, M.Pd., MA., M.Sc., Ph.D. student advised that ideas can be thought through better container, not through anarchist activities that lead to damage and harm to others. He also hopes that freshmen and sophomores were selected and followed pelatihanini in order to become a competent writer, and may result in popular writings.
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